Monday, June 1, 2009

Portsmouth (pronounced Portsmith)

This week was the week of birthdays fo sho'. I went down to Portsmouth to visit Rachel,Buki and Mary (who came to visit me last weekend) and celebrate Ms. Eagan's 21st birthday. Here is the birthday girl on her first rainless birthday of her 21 years...

When I arrived Mary,Rachel and I (all Brockport students) went for Thai food and ate pad thai noodles, they tasted like peanutbutter! MMmmm...

Buki met up with us later as we all sang happy birthday to Rachel and ate fake cake, Mary took pictures cause I didn't want to carry my camera.

For her big night we went to the chicago rock cafe where (for 14 pounds) everyone with a punchcard gets a drink EVERY 15 minutes. Needless to say...(I didn't really drink that much, I ended up giving my card to a South African man). The place was nice and had a great DJ, we ran into Benjamin Button (an 80 year old drunk man who was dancing with all the youngins) and ate free toast. (for some reason this place has a table with a toaster, bread and jam,butter,marmade...)

The place closed around 1:30 so we all stumbled back to the dorm to eat the was gross so we gave it to a random dorm resident passing by.

The next day we went to the Portsmouth beach, they have hovercrafts...I put the beach pictures above in a slideshow but if you want to see them at your own leisure, click the title in orange and it will take you to my picture page.

That's all for now, stay tuned for a post about AMSTERDAM (that's the next trip on the roster) and possibly a Jude Law as Hamlet post (fingers crossed we get tickets!)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you came! I had fun with you!! I will be visiting you in New York! enjoy the rest of your time out here!


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