Thursday, May 28, 2009

Waiting for Godot and the Drones!

Hey ya'll welcome to another post on Andrea's travel blog. This post is a compliation of my last two trips into London, I've made it a sort of picture/captian post so I hope you can stick with it. (Shout out to Bob Schantz, Bob Macy and Arielle Rosenfeld!)

Waiting for Godot and The Drones

For those of you who aren't familiar with obscure Australian rock bands who perform in London, the picture to your left is of the hit group, THE DRONES. Katie (the girl in the picture with me below) is in love with the drummer Mike Nuga and begged me last minute to hop on a bus to London to try to see this sold out concert that she didn't have tickets I said of course!

The place was packed and we got there 5 minutes after they went on, luckily for us, the show wasn't sold out and it was running late so we didn't even miss the performance.Katie says she has good rockshow karma because she hangs clothes up at department stores.

Anywhoo, after the show Katie wanted nothing more than to meet the drummer, well as luck would have it...

We not only met the drummer, but were invited out to drinks with him! I tell you the level of celebrity I encounter on a day to day basis here is astouding (ask me how I met Jason Segal)...well we had drinks with the guy and it was going great, until he asked us how hold we were...awkward!! (He's 32)

Well the night came to a sort of abrupt stop, we rode the night bus home and life continued as usual...

Last night I hopped a train (literally, I got on for free) to London to see the new revival of Samuel Beckett's existentialist play, WAITING FOR GODOT with sir Ian McKellan and sir Patrick Stewart, aka Professor X and Magneto.

Needless to say they were nothing like their alteregos...Professor X was walking!
The show was just great, these guys are pros and they clearly know exactly what they're doing (obviously). I had a great time and then hopped a train home (for free!) to finish my essay!

This is from the curtain call, after Godot came (whoops I ruined the ending!)

Click the play button above to see Professor X and Magneto dance!

Gotta love SuBo! This is one of the tabloids they give out on the metro


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