Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day Trip(s)

(That means Cauliflower in Dutch!)
day Trip(s)

Shalom! And my apologies for the lack of posts these past few days. Sometimes kibbutz life gets the best of you-and sometimes kibbutz life makes you lazy!

Alls well here at Kibbutz Geva, the volunteers are volunteering and the kibbutzniks are kibbutzniking(?). Everything is wonderful and I'm so sad I've only 8 more days here.

Today's post is entitled Day Trip(s) because this week is the week of day trips!

Friday night 14/22 volunteers hiked up Gilboa to go camping! The hike up wasn't too bad, lots of out of breath European smokers, but the weather was gorgeous and we were on top of the world (well on top of Israel at least).

I didn't take many pictures because everyone else had camera but here are a few shots from the hike...

When we got back from the hike a new volunteer was waiting for us, Hannah (pronounced Cha-nah with a Chghaa from the throat)she's from Holland and really cool. I don't know if I ever mentioned in the blog, but when Ben and I returned from Egypt there was a new roommate/volunteer waiting, her name is Kia Kim and she's from Korea. (and she sells Kaleidoscopes!)

On Monday, Susan (Rachel Eagan's Mom's friend from Ein Harod -the kibbutz next door) picked me up and we went to the Sachna, or the natural pools down the road. It was a lovely afternoon and I got out of work early. Here are three pictures of the pools and me standing in front of them!

The water was so blue and clear and warm! Naturally heated in fact! There were caves that you could swim in and stand up in and army guys swimming around practicing their "techniques." It was a really cool place and I hope to go back with some volunteers before I leave.

Once I got back to Geva, I was taken aback to learn about an impromptu hebrew school field trip to Afula! Afula is a little town near Geva. It's got history and it's got falafel. Well, I dropped my bag and swim suit off in my room, grabbed a jacket and got on the bus!

Here are some photos of the hebrew class and I at the market in Afula. Our teacher, Ruti, went around sayig "Ma Zeh?" which means what is it? and we were called on to answer in Hebrew.

Ruti: Ma Zeh Andrea?
Andrea: Um... Candy-ot?
Ruti: Lo,lo,lo Andrea! (Puts hand on forehead)

Mr. Broom?

After the market we ate falafel and then returned home to eat our candy-ot and relax...the next night (last night) we went to the Geva museum! We learned about the Gevatron- and how life was for the settlers who came to Israel 80 years ago...

Tomorrow is ANOTHER day trip to Ein Gev, another kibbutz in the north, where the volunteers are having a convention of sorts with workshops...I'll take pictures and post if it's interesting.

Well that's all for now, shalom yeladim!

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