Sunday, March 15, 2009

Egypt (Part tree)

Where was I? Oh right, end of day two in Egypt, back at the Amarante Pyramids Hotel (as the only guests) and a bit sick. Well for the sake of the blog I'll skip the contents of Monday night (you don't want to know the bloody details, they're gross) and skip to Tuesday morning i.e. THE GREAT PYRAMIDS! I'll preface the post with a bunch of pictures then explain...ready? Go!

Our mode of transportation around the pyramids (it was cheaper than a camel)...

The graves of the slaves...i.e my ancestors hanging out in the shadow of their lifes' work!

It's really small...not!

Well this first batch of pictures needs no explanation, one of the great wonders of the world, the Great Pyramids took 30 years to build and were built by aliens. No not really, just a bunch of Jews with back problems.

So Ben and I take a cab to the pyramids after a sketchy walk down the street (we could've walked to the pyramids but I was being stared at- not having a head covering and all), a man jumps in our cab mid-ride and tells us about his camels. Not really having a choice, Ben and I end up in a random alleyway away from the tourists and guided by this man. Long story short we got the hell out of there and found our amazing guide Mosam- see picture below!

Okay, now I know what you're all thinking...what about the sphinx? Well without further adeiu (what does that even mean?) I present, the Sphinx!

Believe it or not the Sphinx is SMALL (compared to the pyramids), we were able to walk around the temple of the Sphinx and actually get pretty close. Little known fact, the Sphinx was created from one giant stone, then detailed with bricks (unlike the pyramids which were built brick by brick). According to our guide the Sphinx has the head of a woman, the face of a man and the body of a lion because it is smart,beautiful and strong.

Mosaam, our guide, took us to his friend's lotus flower factory/store and a papyrus "museum" where we learned to make papyrus paper- heres a picture!

After the pyramids we did a bit of shopping. Here are some pictures from the Arab markets we walked by...

Once shopping was completed we relaxed at the hotel before dinner (hibachi in Egypt- TOTAL TOURIST MOMENT #14). Then went to bed.

Breakfast in the morning was great, we missed our bus to the border so we hopped on the next one heading to Sharm El Sheik which wasn't the best idea but turned out great because we ended up taking another bus to DAHAB! Which means paradise in Egyptian, well maybe not. But this is where we stayed our lsat night- it's in Sinai (as in Moses took the ten commandments on Mount...)

It was absolutley breathtaking and amazing, these pictures don't do the place justice...

We ended our trip in paradise and that's all that matters. We're safe, we're fine, we're happy.. The End...until the next one!

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