Sunday, May 17, 2009

Paris Day One

(Click the little box below to view all the pictures!)

Paris with Mary

I am having a total blast in Paris, last night all the museums were free! What luck we have eh? So the whole day was quite crazy and LONG. We boarded the night bus from Oxford at 7 pm Friday night and arrived in Paris at 7 am Saturday morning (we rode a ferry!) Since it was so early we didn't want to wake up our hostess Anice so went to the Pere Lachaise cemetery to see where Jim Morrison was buried-

If you zoom in you can see his name on the the little box at the top of the page to see more Jim Morisson Tomb pictures0 wow that sounds morbid.

So we tried to find where Oscar Wilde was buried but failed, so we met up with our Parisian hostess who was so nice and invited us out to drinks with her friends later that night. Because she's an astrophysicist (not lying) and had to study for her exam that would qualify her to teach gra school (at age 27) we went to Mont Matre to get out of her way and let her study.

At the top of Sacre Couer or Mount Marte (whatever) we had a cheesy hotdogs and bought some pictures from some artists, got a free concert by a talented foreigner, saw a REAL mime (for real!) got some gelato then decsended the moutain togo see the Picasso museum (the whole museum was mirrorimaged, hence the giant mirror below)

The goat or Who is Mary?

In the middle of the Picasso museum Mary and I were so wiped out that we had a cafe ole at a Parisian cafe and chilled out. We went back to the museum, finished our time with Pablo then headed off to meet Anise and her friends, on the way we were distracted by bubble street artists and got asked directions by french people!

We met up with Anice and had a beer at Chez Prune by the canal but left early because the Lourvre was free! During our brief night at the museum we saw Mona, Nike, Hammurabis Code and a puzzle hanging in the worlds most famous museum. I know it was really weird.

AFTER the Louvre ate a crepe then went to the Rodin Museum (for free) and did a free flashlight tour through the sculpture garden where we saw the thinker. Unfortutatley they ran out of supercool headflashlights.

Phew, whata day I'm pooped just talking about it. Stay tuned for Part Two and Three (highlights include the Eifell tower and world famous falafels!)

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