Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mary Schantz is here!

Hello blogging world!

Shout out to Mitch,Bob Schantz ,Seth and all you other loyal followers, my apologies for the lack of blogs, our internet was shut off because off too much downloading. From now on I promise to blog when I can(at least once a week or more) about my adventures in Oxford and beyond! (I've already booked trips to Barcelona,Paris (with Mary).Cartiff,Wales and the Globe theater!

So M-Dawg is here, my travel companion and Brockport roommate currently studying at Portsmouth, you may remember her from such blogs as, "Prague" and "Birmingham" She says Hi but refuses to blog for me.

So the Schantz arrives yesterday and I took her around to some Harry Potter film locations as well as get some ice cream at Oxford's famous homemade icecream shop G&D's. We went for drinks at the Hertford bar and watched Bride Wars. It was a lax night for reasons of MAY DAY (look it up on wikipedia). In short my friends and I stayed up ALL NIGHT to see the Magdalin college choir sing on top of a church! It was certainlyan adventure.

Mary and I just made dinner for our two friends Josh and Alex, I made chicken and tomoato sauce while Mary made a fruit salad, YUM-O!

Today we went on a trek around Oxford, click the picture below to see more!

Walk around Oxford

The Eagle and Child, a favourite hangout for J.R.R Tolkein and C.S Lewis!

The intersection of Queen Street,Cornmarket Street,High Street and St. Aldates.

Carfax tower in all its glory

Mary sitting in front oft he Thames

Mary in the Bodelain library(also the infirmary where Harry Potter gets his arm healed)

This is me at New College (where I had to lie and say I was a student to get in)

This is Mary and Andrea at Oxford Castle, we discovered a nice little market and art gallery there, behind us is the former prison at Oxford which is now an upscale hotel-all the cells have been tranformed to rooms!

This is the bridge of sighs at Hertford college, this is my mom and I from when she dropped me off!

Mary smelling the roses!

Mary and I in a hole in New College

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