Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day Eleven-Fifteen

I'M 21 YA'LL!

21st birthday

It's sad but true, Andrea Macy is now a full fledged legal adult in the United States of America. I can drink alcohol, gamble in a casino, get legal custody over a minor blah blah blah...

The last few days have been a bit of a drag following my epic birthday, not that anything here can possibly be bad, just not as exciting (hence the lack of posts).

Saturday night was Andrea Eve and Karen from Mexico's going away party. We were able to open the pub to our friends and fellow volunteers. While the night is still a blur, I do remember asking the bar tender to check my ID, just for shits and giggles. Apparently everyone in the world has been drinking alcohol since junior high and doesn't understand the excitement over Americans' 21st birthday. I had quite a bit to drink and ended up going home around midnight, after I was sung "happy birthday" in 5 different languages! I even got cake!

(I didn't go home alone though, everyone left early, we had work in the morning...)

My 21st birthday on Sunday was very low key. I had to work from 8:30-3 so most of the day was spent in the dining hall. Sunday night I asked to have all of my new friends join me at the BBQ area for a huge bonfire and wine. Meg from Canada bought hot dogs from the Kalbo (Kibbutz market) so we could make spider dogs , Ben bought red wine and pretzel dough and Gerrit from Holland got fire wood. It was such a nice night and everyone was so great. Brenda, the volunteer coordinator go me a pair of earrings and a flower while some of the girls got me Israeli Chocolate.

Monday-Wednesday was normal and relaxed. I studied my eeret (Hebrew), went to a soccer/futbol game, watched a few movies (i.e.-THE FLY!) and just relaxed. Thankfully I was told to work from 8:30-3:30 on Monday so I could nurse my hangover!

Today we had 4 Swedish volunteers arrive. Their names are Jasper, Johanna, Matilda and Hampos. They seem nice but I've yet to have a chance to speak with them.

Tonite is extreme Hebrew! 3-5pm nonstop Evret! Grandi and Pops sent me a birthday card with a lovely gift, I must give them a call soon.

my first legal drink

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had such a nice birthday!

    And when you finally get a chance to speak w/the Swedes, "Jag alskar dig" is "I love you" in Swedish. Just give it time and you'll fall in love, I swear.


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