Wednesday, February 25, 2009


(Oh My!)

It seems as if I've been working and living at Geva Kibbutz for months. I love the atmosphere and laid back attitude of the kibbutzniks and volunteers. We're all here working towards the same goal...each other!

So these past couple of days have been exciting and interesting. The rain has cleared up and the mud has dried- we're finally getting over cabin fever (if you are ever stuck inside play the board game Settlers of Catan or watch "Grizzly Man" the movie about Tim Treadwell who was eaten by Grizzly bears)

Since my last update last Saturday I've been working and watching movies and relaxing, with the weather it's been hard to do anything, the highlight of my week since Saturday was starting the book "Running with Scissors" by Augusten Burrows and receiving letters from Arielle and the Pennsylvania Macy's.

The pictures in the slideshow are from Friday night pub night, we drank chocolate liquor and milk, it was delightfully disgusting! I only had one glass!

Yesterday (Tuesday) we went to Sippori, a small town near Nazareth, where Jesus' Mom was supposed to be from (Jesus' mom was named Mary, I don't know if you've ever heard of her).

Sippori is now an archeological excavation site where you can see traces of Romans, Crusaders, Jews and Babylonians. I was there on Birthright in 2007 but it was really cold and I couldn't understand our guide. Yesterday was really fun because Brenda, our volunteer leader, has family who lives there and were part of the original excavations 10 years ago. Brenda's niece was the first one to discover the Mona Lisa of the East (See picture below)

The woman above (who looks very much like an angry Aunt Jodi) is Brenda's sister and the owner of a small organic restaurant in Sippori. By the way the word Sippori means Bird in Evret (Hebrew). Along with the restaurant Brenda's sister and her family produces OLIVE OIL! Organic (expensive) homemade Olive Oil. This is her showing us the proper way to grind olives. Her husban looks like a cross between Santa and Moses (I was too timid to ask for a picture) so we decided they grow more than just olives at the farm! ;)

When we got back I got sick and went to bed, tonite we are all going to the pub to watch soccer, ahem, sorry Futbol or Football. Should be fun. And the answer is yes, I am dating the boy in the pictures. His name is Ben, his dad is a rabbi and he's American.

Next Friday we leave for Eilat and then from Eilat Ben and I go directly to Egypt! I can't wait. I even turned down skydiving to save up my shekels for a nice pyramid paper weight!!

1 comment:

  1. I think Angry Aunt Jodi doesn't quite capture the essence of the womans expression. I think that Angry Aunt Traci would be a better description and could also be used as the title to the photo!


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