Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Andrea Macy
Kibbutz Geva

TEL: 04-653-5111 X1234
FAX: 04-653-1744
Well, a lot has happened since my last update.

Well, not really.

Let me rewind.

Afula and pub goodbyes

Monday was my second day of work at the dining hall and I have to say there is very little international difference in working in the food industry. all the tools are the same and all the jobs are the same, the only difference is, in America, crazy-steroid-using-mafia-tied- Italian bosses make you work 9 hours without a break...while in Israel everything is Sababa (cool) and we get 3 breaks.

After work on Monday a few of us went into Afula to buy necessities...i.e Shwarma and contact solution...but there was nothing really special about the day except the bonding that occurred.I posted pictures from the city, it's not very pretty, just like p. diddy only small like a kitty.

Later that night we had a party in the pub for two volunteers who left after 6 months of servitude here at Geva. It was quite fun (mostly because the drinks were free and the people all spoke English). The jukebox was youtube and anyone who wanted to went up and played a song. The only thing missing was food!

Tuesday was Election day (still waiting on the results)and it rained. And then it stopped. And then it rained some more. Pretty much we were all stuck inside for the day. Unfortunately the rain not only kept us inside, but it kept us from our day trip to Acco. It will be rescheduled but most likely on a Saturday when we don't have work. Speaking of trips, February 27th the whole group is going to Eilat! It should be fun, three days of nothing but touring and sun, I can't wait. It will finally make up for the 2 days lost on Birthright.

Today is Wednesday, February 11th. I worked from 8-3 and got in touch with Cousin Jeffrey Macy. We are going to speak over the pelephone tonite... this is so exciting. It's like the episode of Full House when Uncle Jesse's family from Greece comes and they look exactly like the tanners. I hope the Israeli Macy's look exactly like us...

Tonite I am going to a Hebrew lesson then over to the drama studio to assist the class with warm up exercises. Unfortunately the class is taught in Hebrew so I can't be much more of an assistant than after the first ten minutes.

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