Monday, February 9, 2009


I am learning so much Hebrew here I am finding myself saying TODA instead of THANK YOU now. I just got back from the town of Afula which is the closest city to the kibbutz. It was a very nice town but not the nicest looking, convenient, but ugly.
Wait a second, I have to write about the night before last, after the hike.

As if I wasn't tired enough from having hiked 10 kilometers uphill (bot ways)a mere 3 hours after the hike, some volunteers and I were invited to have "beers" with a kibbutznik and his friends. Ronny was the kibbutznik who invited us, he lives a few meters away from our housing units (I guess you'd call it). Anyway, we all walked over and had some beers and then proceeded to join him and his Israeli soldier friends at he local pub the next town over (they all drive pick up trucks).

At the pub it was open mic night and these bands were amazing! I didn't take my camera but Lena (a German volunteer) did so there may or may not be pictures within the next month. Nevertheless, these3 bands rocked. With every instrument under the sun, from trumpets to trombones, bass guitars to cowbells, these guys were awesome. Even though the songs were in hebrew(except for a few greenday covers), I had a great time.

The next day I started work at the dining 6 am. Oy vey.
The work is VERRRYYYY easy and I don't see any challenges in the near future. After work (which consisted of washing vegetables, wiping down tables, moving tables and serving lunch at a buffet style dining hall)I slept. Then I woke up and slept some more, nothing really happened much yesterday...


18 YEARS! MY HAS THE TIME HAS GONE BY! I love you Robyn! Happy Birthday!

Well I will keep you all updated on the rest of the week and so on and so forth. I'll post pictures from Afula as well. There may or may not be a trip to Aco this Saturday, stay tuned to find out!


  1. okay...thank you...but come on with the wisdom teeth shot-- you know when urs are out its gonna be EVERYWHERE- be warned- NOTHING off limits. I'm talking my freakin FB default


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