Saturday, February 14, 2009


Yamalo! B'tay Avon! Batslicha! SHALOM!

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So much Hebrew so little time! I truly am learning so many phrases and these classes I am taking are improving my conversational skills and reading skills immensely. I regret not paying attention in Hebrew skill. Maybe if I had been to Israel before I started Hebrew school I'd have more motivation to learn the language. Oh well, there's no time but the present.

Since my last update I've been studying like crazy for these Hebrew classes and getting to know the kibbutz. Last night a fellow volunteer and I went on a mission for kumquats, and found them! They are small orange-like fruits the size of grapes. Too bitter for me though.

But let me digress, I must blog chronologically or else I will be confused. Days are like years here and although life is stress free and relaxed, I know I'll forget things unless I write them down!

On Thursday a new volunteer from America arrived. His name is Ben (we call him New Ben for obvious reasons) and he's from Ohio. His dad's a rabbi. We get along well ;) If you put a "t" after Rabbi it becomes Rabbit. I wonder if there's a reason for that...*

*this is what Kibbutz life is like.

After Ben's arrival we made a bon fire and my roomate from Australia introduced the group to "Twistees" i.e dough wrapped around a stick and cooked over a fire. Once fully baked, pour maple syrup into the whole and enjoy! After one twistee we began to experiment with wasn't successful! The other Ben from Holland played guitar/told scary stories and we discussed the differences between America and everywhere else.

Yesterday, Shabbat was a bit hectic in the dining hall. Mainly because Friday night is the only night that dinner is served. Meaning, table cloths, flowers and plastic covers are added to EVERY table. Oy vey. It was an effort but it paid off.

After shabbat dinner we all went ot PUB NIGHT! and repeated the events of last weekend. I played pool and failed.

Today we were supposed to go to the hot springs but instead stayed behind to watch futbol (soccer) between the kibbutzniks and volunteers. Tonight is my birthday party at the pub and Karen's goodbye party. Everyone must wear clothes from the free shop and they must be as ugly as possible!

P.S-Happy Valentine's Day and my Birthday is tomorrow!

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