Saturday, February 21, 2009


This is me at work. Filling Salt and Pepper Shakers. Oh the life of a dining hall volunteer!

Since my last update I've been living, loving, working, breathing and pursuing verbs ending in -ing. For instance, aside from working, I've been jogging and exercising.

On Thursday the Swedish volunteers (Matilda and Johanna), Mirjam (from Germany) and I went Afula. I was in search of Naot sandals... but alas the store was closed. The Sweds needed a phone card and Mirjam needed a gift for her parents who are visiting so I came along and helped shop. Thursday night we went to the Kalbo (which ironically enough means all full inside-it's the market) and I bought toothpaste. I know you didn't need to know that fact but this blog is for my memory too and I thought it was cool that I was buying toothpaste with Hebrew writing on it.

Thursday night was also poker night and I WON! 45 Shekles! Actually, I sort of won. See, the first round I went all in and lost (I thought I had a royal flush but only had a royal foursome, I needed another card to win). So after an hour of sitting, watching and flipping through channels (MTV isn't censored here, they use the F-word freely!) Mirjam gave up and let me play the rest of her game...long story short I went from 50 shekle to the whole pot! We split the money and bought chocolate liquor for Shabbat.

Friday was Shabbat and I woke up an hour late for work, my phone was on silent!
Friday night was pub night and there was live music and pre-party in Adam's new room. It was funky and fun...

Today is Saturday and it's rainy, so alas I will spend the whole day reading and relaxing, oh well.

This life is too good!

In other news Ben from America and I are going to Egypt. After the volunteer group trip to Eilat, we board a bus to Cairo and spend 3 nights and four days in the land of moses. More details to come later!


  1. HOW EXCITING!!!! EGYPT!! I AM SO FREAKIN JEALOUS!!!! im so happy it sounds like you are having such an awesome time girlfriend :) !!!!

  2. AH! I got the secret message!!! AHH!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANDREA!!!!!!!!!!!! you hottie tottie, you! im so excited for u im peeing my boybriefs!


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