Saturday, April 25, 2009


Hey Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted...probably cause I'm at Oxford where everyone reads for 24 hours a day. I'm not exaggerating. Seriously, there are no weekends because everyone works all the time. Which is fine I guess, considering this is the only time in my life where I can devote 100% of my free time to William "The Bard" Shakespeare. This week I had to read "Twelfth Night" and write an essay on "Identity" The essay must be 2000-25000 words..and that's it. According to my new friends here who have been at Oxford for more than one semester, say this type of essay is a rarity and usually we are given a longass booklist to read in one week. ::fingers crossed that doesnt happen::

So I would love to post a million pictures for ya'll but I have to admit my camera has been relaxing in my dresser drawer. My friend/roommate Mary Baskerville has been taking all the pictures around here, but don't worry, I think tomorrow I'll snap some for the blog (you're welcome Dad).

The weather has been gorgeous and I just got back from a walk around the river Thames (pronounecd tems, like temperature without the 'per' or the 'ature').

In case you haven't been talking to Shari (my mom who's been acting like my press agent) you wouldn't know that I've moved. Well if you've sent a postcard to 222 Abingdon Road, don't worry about it, I know the people there, if you haven't sent a postcard but would like to, send it to 107 Botley Road, OX1,OHB and I'll be sure to receive it!

Okay, here are some pictures I stole off of Mary's blog,

The awesome medieval gate leading up to the entrance of my college, Hertford (pronounced Hartford) Jonathon Swift once went here along with John Dunne! For other info about my college click here!

The Bodelein Library, one of the oldest buildings in England- it's really historical here's a link about it, also they filmed Harry Potter here! I almost snapped a picture in the entrance hall(the infirmary at Hogwarts where Harry's arm healed) but the librarian told me to put my camera away!

Greg from Commack and Katie from Michigan

Me and Trishy the fishy on our way to a BBQ (don't ask)

While I type Mary is uploading wayyyy more pictures to picasa so my next post will be 90% pictures I promise! Thanks for reading! Tell your friends, if you want, or just keep reading!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Helloooo from Abingdon Road!

I am currently living at 222 Abingdon Road,OXFORD,OX1 4SP (that's my mailing address as well) and I've got a UK cell number as well (just ask me and I'll give it to you). But here's the best part...after 6pm and all day weekends I can call the US (landlines AND cell phones for FREE! That's right suckas- my house also comes with free internet and printing! I am so lucky!

So tutorials will actually start sometime next week but for now I am exploring and getting acquainted with Oxford University-Hertford College. As a visiting student I don't have ALL the priviledges of regular matriculated students, like Harry Potter, but I do have access to the Student Union and the gym...etc.

I plan on joining some type of dramatic society and/or music society but you'll just have to stay tuned to find out which one(if any) I actually pursue.

Last night I went to the pub with Andrea Cordes and her friend Mario to watch Arsenal Emirates play Chelsea in football(soccer). The place was packed and there were hardly any seats, Arsenal lost and we were all a bit dissapointed...then we went to CARNE, a restaurant that just serves meat. period. Luckily, Andrea and I were able to scam the place and order the limited meal (just the buffet) but still eat the revolving meat (it's sort of hard to explain but the waiters bring around meat to each table and put a lot on your plate-okay so it's not hard to explain).Mario knew the owner so we were able to dine on a dime.

Tonite I think I'm going to see the local production of Othello, but I might wait until I'm knee deep in Shakespeare to go...I don't know yet.

I plan to eventually write about my week with Mom and Robyn, I just need to was so fun and exciting and jam packed I'm still recouping!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Picture Time!

Alright. I'm in Oxford. I know, I'm a bad blogger. If I was a professional Blogger I would've been posting every 5 minutes from my blackberry. But alas, I have no blackberry. Instead I shall post links to every picture from the last 3 weeks. Please feel free to skim, skip,zoom,copy,save,forward...etc. any picture you please to whomever you like. The family should see what their little Andi has been up to (especially since she hasn't updated this blog!)

Quickly, so you're not confused...

Prage- I went with my roommate from Brockport Mary. We were there for three days because it was cheap, fun and something different! We did a walking tour, went to the Jewish Quarter, drank a bit, saw a dance show, did a ghost tour, climbed a castle and went to a few museums! Here are pictures from that trip...
Or just click the picture below...


Next I met up with Mom and Robyn in was wonderful trip and we got creative with the camera as you may have noticed below...if you'd like to see pictures from that trip(and London) click the link or the picture below...


And now I must go to orientation...I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Passport to Paris

The Louvre

London Bridges

can you spot Andi?

"That's it?"

Roam if you want to- Roam around the world

Gay or European? A Macy's Journey to France and England

Robyn Macy:


There are about four incredibly funny stories that would only be given justice in person. But they are too gaddamn good to not tell you this second. Here are two:

Last night around 22:11 (after we ate an extravagant expensive meal w. the cutest/funniest waiter- got lost going across the entire city and needing a french man to guide us to the world renowned ice cream that you woulda loved- and finally made it to the eiffel tower to see it light up) we were all dead tired. (Preface: since seeing a hotdog covered in cheese in a biguette ALL i talked about was getting one) The three of us found a cozy bench to rest out aching feet and all of the sudden Sharbear hands me a 10 "Go getchaself a hotdog"..."Really mom? I'm not hungry- we just got icecream- this would be like a fifth meal"..."yeah go get one"..."But the closest place is across the really busy street" .."Yeah be careful"- So I go and wait on the long line and get a hotdog and a drink. As i'm holding one in each hand and going back, the lighst go on.My jaw drops and I just make an andi face.


Story two: the ULTIMATE mayor mccheese story

Bottom line we decided to go up the eiffel tower after breakfast. The line swirled and curved around and was NEVER ENDING. Andi kept repeating how we should make friends with someone in the middle of the line. My heart drops from seeing how rediculously long this freakin line is is this really worth it? is all i kept hearing. Then there it was.
"Shari?" In a long island accent.
"Carol? Ohmigod!"
So we cut half the line and spent the morning with the Rothelbergs(or whatever there names are)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm in France

Sitting in a park in Paris France…

(written this morning)
Wth no wifi/weefee in sight, I’ve decided to take this day for me. Maybe in a little bit I’ll go walking, but starting the day off being followed by a creepy French man sort of turned me off to random walking. I’m tempted to sit under the Eiffel tower and daydream, but I think I should wait for Mom and Robyn tomorrow. I want to walk around because I’m in Paris, so that’s what I’ll do...

I went walking and exploring and I found the palace of Versailles!Here are some pictures I took. I've been a bit withered so no pictures of me (I slept in an airport last night/passover) but here's what I saw...


I should really write more about Prague but the pictures do really say it all, also the other videos say it all. So just skim through the rest of the pictures and watch the other videos here. Or go to and you can see ALL the pictures I've taken on this trip thus far.

In about a half hour I'm meeting up with Kathleen Tully and Andrew Joseph in Paris. Apparently, Mom and Robyn had their flight booked for tomorrow instead of this morning...good going Mom. I'll post with more pictures an Prague videos later!

Monday, April 6, 2009





Because so much is going on and we're seeing so much, Mary and I have made some virtual postcards...enjoy!


I'm in Prague now but this blog will talk about Portsmouth/Birmingham for continuity's sake.
My Visit to Portsmouth/Birmingham

As you can probably tell from my last blog I did a helluvalotta travel on Friday, so when Saturday came and I was in a hostel in Birmingham,England with my favorite roommate Mary, I was ready to let loose, kick back and enjoy the sites and sounds that Birmingham has to offer.

Lucky for us, Mary and I were placed in our hostel room with 11 other people, all of whom knew each other and arrived together. They had all lived for 6 months in Australia with each other and were in Birmingham for a reunion. They were having a "pretty in pink" party and invited us to come. I don't know all of their names or where they're from but we had a blast going to the nightclubs and playing card really was a great place to spend the night before going to the airport in the mary's face to see some pictures...stay tuned for Prague!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Andrea’s transportationblog from Israel to Birmingham
This blog’s a doosey so prepare to skim and/or be sort of confused…

Ben and I left Israel after some very heartfelt and emotional goodbyes on April 2nd around 1:30pm. We were lucky enough to get a car to take us to the central bus station in Afula and from there we jumped in a taxi to our hostel. Unfortunately, we thought the cab driver would take us right to our hostel, instead he dropped us off about a half hours walk away from where we wanted to go. Lucky for us however, it was a beautiful day for a walk/shlep in Tel Aviv (mind you we were schlepping both my big red bags)

The hostel we stayed in was the same one I stayed in my first night in Israel…my how I came full circle. We got a private room, dropped off the luggage and went to meet Daphne at Tel Aviv University.

Meeting up with Daphne was such a treat and I'm so glad I got to meet her now (and not in 20 more years) A bird had pooped on her head before she met us, it was fate!

We ate lunch on campus and got student discounts then Ben and I took a bus to near the hostel. We went walking along the beach and stopped at this restaurant with onthe sand beach tables...or whatever. It was beautiful and we had our feet in the sand and coffee in our hands and music was playing it was the perfect night.

The next morning at 5 am we caught a bus to the train station then took a train to the airport...

I know this is boring but I think I'll add details later maybe...

Once in the terminal we said our goodbyes and then I was off to Israel.

My bag was 30 kilo too heavy so I had to create two more carry-ons...the plane was delayed so I missed my opportunity to drop my luggage off at the sumner before the megabus came. I took the tube to the victoria station in London where the megabus was but missed it by 15 minutes.

I bought a ticket for the next bus and somehow alerted Mary via random hotspot internet acccess in the train station. She of course, never checker her messages, so as I found out later had gone to pick e up on three seperate occasions(sorry mary!)

I met all of MAry's friends and then Mary,Rachel and I went to sing Kareoke with a Scot and a Canadian(Eh) we sang Beast of Burden by the rolling stones but soon found out it was the cover version by the one and only...I got pretty drunk because I forgot to eat that day so Mary took me to a foodcart in Portsmouth that served the best cheeseburger ever! We also ate jacket potatoes (cheese on a baked potato) and then fell asleep.

This morning we got on our megabus to Birmingham and found a hostel and now here we are...about to go out with some English guys and gals for a pretty in pink party. They all met while traveling in Australia and are here this weekend for a reunion. and they invited us! Prepare for pictures tomorrow! Our hostel in prague is internet capable so I will
(eventually) post pictures and or details.

Okay, Hi Ben! Mom please send me your flight info! And Hi Arielle how was your date?

Geva Goodbye

A Long Days Journey Into Afternoon

I'm writing this from Mary's dorm room in Portsmouth but I realized I never posted about the goodbye's the post...

Goodbye Geva Party

We had a graffiti party for Adam and I ...I made up the geva song below with Hampus and Jasper...hope you enjoy...the premise of the party was to wear a white t--shirt then to dance and draw on each others shirt.

I will miss my Geva family so much words cannot express the gratitude I have towards all they have taught me and shown me. I learned so much about who I am and what I value in people and wht kind of people I'd like to surround myself with, I hate ended sentences with prepositions.