Saturday, April 4, 2009

Andrea’s transportationblog from Israel to Birmingham
This blog’s a doosey so prepare to skim and/or be sort of confused…

Ben and I left Israel after some very heartfelt and emotional goodbyes on April 2nd around 1:30pm. We were lucky enough to get a car to take us to the central bus station in Afula and from there we jumped in a taxi to our hostel. Unfortunately, we thought the cab driver would take us right to our hostel, instead he dropped us off about a half hours walk away from where we wanted to go. Lucky for us however, it was a beautiful day for a walk/shlep in Tel Aviv (mind you we were schlepping both my big red bags)

The hostel we stayed in was the same one I stayed in my first night in Israel…my how I came full circle. We got a private room, dropped off the luggage and went to meet Daphne at Tel Aviv University.

Meeting up with Daphne was such a treat and I'm so glad I got to meet her now (and not in 20 more years) A bird had pooped on her head before she met us, it was fate!

We ate lunch on campus and got student discounts then Ben and I took a bus to near the hostel. We went walking along the beach and stopped at this restaurant with onthe sand beach tables...or whatever. It was beautiful and we had our feet in the sand and coffee in our hands and music was playing it was the perfect night.

The next morning at 5 am we caught a bus to the train station then took a train to the airport...

I know this is boring but I think I'll add details later maybe...

Once in the terminal we said our goodbyes and then I was off to Israel.

My bag was 30 kilo too heavy so I had to create two more carry-ons...the plane was delayed so I missed my opportunity to drop my luggage off at the sumner before the megabus came. I took the tube to the victoria station in London where the megabus was but missed it by 15 minutes.

I bought a ticket for the next bus and somehow alerted Mary via random hotspot internet acccess in the train station. She of course, never checker her messages, so as I found out later had gone to pick e up on three seperate occasions(sorry mary!)

I met all of MAry's friends and then Mary,Rachel and I went to sing Kareoke with a Scot and a Canadian(Eh) we sang Beast of Burden by the rolling stones but soon found out it was the cover version by the one and only...I got pretty drunk because I forgot to eat that day so Mary took me to a foodcart in Portsmouth that served the best cheeseburger ever! We also ate jacket potatoes (cheese on a baked potato) and then fell asleep.

This morning we got on our megabus to Birmingham and found a hostel and now here we are...about to go out with some English guys and gals for a pretty in pink party. They all met while traveling in Australia and are here this weekend for a reunion. and they invited us! Prepare for pictures tomorrow! Our hostel in prague is internet capable so I will
(eventually) post pictures and or details.

Okay, Hi Ben! Mom please send me your flight info! And Hi Arielle how was your date?

1 comment:

  1. Ariella-ella-ella (it's raining here)April 5, 2009 at 1:34 AM

    Oh, Andrea! That blog WAS a little tricky to follow, but perhaps we can Skype to clear things up? That is, of course, dependent on whether or not my parents are in the kitchen as well. Cause the date went well, and that's alls I'm gonna say!


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