Sunday, April 19, 2009


Helloooo from Abingdon Road!

I am currently living at 222 Abingdon Road,OXFORD,OX1 4SP (that's my mailing address as well) and I've got a UK cell number as well (just ask me and I'll give it to you). But here's the best part...after 6pm and all day weekends I can call the US (landlines AND cell phones for FREE! That's right suckas- my house also comes with free internet and printing! I am so lucky!

So tutorials will actually start sometime next week but for now I am exploring and getting acquainted with Oxford University-Hertford College. As a visiting student I don't have ALL the priviledges of regular matriculated students, like Harry Potter, but I do have access to the Student Union and the gym...etc.

I plan on joining some type of dramatic society and/or music society but you'll just have to stay tuned to find out which one(if any) I actually pursue.

Last night I went to the pub with Andrea Cordes and her friend Mario to watch Arsenal Emirates play Chelsea in football(soccer). The place was packed and there were hardly any seats, Arsenal lost and we were all a bit dissapointed...then we went to CARNE, a restaurant that just serves meat. period. Luckily, Andrea and I were able to scam the place and order the limited meal (just the buffet) but still eat the revolving meat (it's sort of hard to explain but the waiters bring around meat to each table and put a lot on your plate-okay so it's not hard to explain).Mario knew the owner so we were able to dine on a dime.

Tonite I think I'm going to see the local production of Othello, but I might wait until I'm knee deep in Shakespeare to go...I don't know yet.

I plan to eventually write about my week with Mom and Robyn, I just need to was so fun and exciting and jam packed I'm still recouping!

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